Folk remedies to increase potency in men include the use of decoctions and infusions with medicinal ingredients. Ginger, ginseng, nettle seeds, parsley have a unique healing effect. The active components of the plant increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, restore hormone levels and prevent the development of stagnation in the genitals and testes. Ice compresses or contrast baths will help relieve the symptoms of impotence quickly.
Impotence: the main symptom
The disease is diagnosed with a partial erection or complete loss of it. Pathology is considered the inability of men to maintain sexual arousal during sexual intercourse. Signs of impotence can develop based on psychogenic, neurogenic and organic factors. Weak potential can be troubling from the age of 30 onwards. The individual characteristics of the organism play an important role. However, according to medical statistics, the disease can be completely cured.
Problems associated with erectile dysfunction are defined by three types:
- Organic causes are based on diseases related to the cardiovascular and nervous systems, hormonal imbalances or the use of synthetic drugs.
- Psychological factors are caused by difficulties in family or professional life, stressful situations or sexual failure.
- The mixture is manifested as a result of the combined influence of all factors, and all symptoms are strongly related to each other.
For effective treatment of impotence, it is important to undergo diagnostic tests. All nuances of male health associated with the clinical picture of sexual dysfunction should be discussed with the attending physician. The selection of the right therapeutic tactics determines not only the speed of recovery, but also the retention of long -term potential even after 60 years.

Features of traditional medicine
Folk remedies to increase male potency at home are very popular due to the fact that they have no contraindications and side effects.
You can increase your sexual activity by using medical baths, medical potions, or doing special physical exercises on a regular basis.
Healing bath
Bathing with the use of drug injections are among the natural folk remedies for the treatment of impotence:
- Laurel bath is prepared from the infusion of bay leaves (50 g per 1 liter of boiling water). The resulting product is poured into a warm water bath before taking. This procedure takes 25-30 minutes. You can increase potency in 1 day by applying ice compresses an hour after bathing. Small ice cubes must be wrapped in 5 layers of gauze. Apply cold for 60 seconds alternately to the neck, chest, and scrotum. Repeat all 5 times. This advice is unique in its speed of action and increases potential in just a few steps.
- Bathing with mummies is indicated for impotence based on the inflammatory process or the early stage of prostatitis. They improve the general tone of the body and contribute to the rapid restoration of sexual function. It is important to remember that the water should not be higher than 37 degrees. For a full bath for an adult male, you need to dilute 10 g of the finished mummy. The total treatment is 20 days. The procedure is best done every day.
- Bathing with turpentine emulsion activates blood circulation even in the small capillaries of the penis. The work of the nervous and endocrine systems improves, which in the event of impotence is an important stage on the path to recovery. This treatment is indicated for men with diagnosed sperm dampness. The procedure should be performed after consulting your doctor, starting with the addition of 5 ml of turpentine into the bath. Elimination of the manifestations of impotence begins immediately after therapy.
- A contrast bath allows you to restore activity in your sex life in just 3 days. It is important to remember that its use is contraindicated in inflammation of the urinary system and the clinical picture of prostatitis. Negative processes in the small pelvis are almost always accompanied by painful sensations and the spread of pathogens. Cold exposure can make the condition worse. In such a situation, staying in a container of cold water for a minute will help improve an erection. After that, make sure you wear warm socks and do a light warm -up.
Exercise to increase potential
Exercise is a proven method of increasing blood flow in your pelvic organs. Each exercise is designed to restore the tone of the penis and penis. Regular classes at home help to lead an active sex life not only at a young age, but also after 40 years. This method of treatment will increase potency forever, if it becomes a habit for many years.
Important principles for doing exercise therapy:
- each complex is recommended to be done naked so that clothing does not impede movement;
- it is necessary to observe the technique of breathing - with tension, deep breathing, with relaxation, always exhaling;
- the number of repetitions and loads should be increased gradually until full recovery.
- The most effective movement to restore ability is to pull the testicles up while squatting in front of a mirror. While pulling the scrotum, you need to pull the abdomen and anus, hold the position for a few seconds, and relax. The maximum number of repetitions for the initial stage is around 4-5 times. Gradually, the pull-ups should be increased to 20 times for 4 repetitions. When the movement goes well, you can do the same, but in a sitting or standing position.
- It is important to tense and tighten the anal and groin muscles while doing exercises on the back with your legs apart. This is the simplest, but most effective movement for relieving sexual impotence.
- Exercises for the buttocks are no less effective, according to the patient himself. It can be done while sitting on the floor or lying down. It is necessary to raise the buttocks alternately, while squeezing the abdomen simultaneously. You need to hold for 10-15 seconds, then relax. It is important to repeat all movements to eliminate the symptoms of impotence 20 times. Over time, it has been shown to increase the intensity and frequency of repetitions, but only after consulting your doctor.
Experts recommend that some exercises be done with caution in older men. However, high loads or sudden movements can trigger nerve endings or problems in the joints, which are currently becoming brittle. It is important to adhere to the principle of moderation and only do exercises that suit your abilities and do not cause discomfort.

Medicinal herbs
Decreased potency gives rise to not only a permanent state of depression in men at any age, but can also be a cause of mental disorders. In the treatment of urological problems, there are many methods and methods of therapy.
Traditional medicine offers many fast -acting recipes based on medicinal ingredients. Almost all infusions and decoctions can be used without side effects. The exception is individual intolerance to prescription components.
Ginger root has long been considered a male plant. Its healing effect increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zone, increases the levels of male hormones. Regular use of decoctions can improve blood circulation in the genitals. The unique composition of plant vitamins and minerals activates the sex glands. The high zinc content allows us to compare the use of ginger with a catalyst to increase testosterone, which in turn can reduce the risk of developing potency.
To restore potency quickly, especially after 50 years, when there are also problems with blood pressure and significant physical weakness, the use of fresh ginger in food is indicated. It is recommended to chew a small piece of plant root several times a day. Thus, ginger begins to act as a powerful aphrodisiac and regains masculine strength within a few days.
To restore potency in a short time, you can always use as a tea supplement containing an equal mixture of honey, ginger and lemon. All the ingredients for this recipe are thoroughly mixed. The product is shown to be stored in the refrigerator and taken at least 4 teaspoons throughout the day. In cases where there is an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, you can grind ginger root into a powder and take it with honey. Dosage - 1 teaspoon before bedtime.
To eliminate the manifestations of impotence, it is recommended to take 10 drops of ginger tincture in the morning and evening. It is prepared from crushed or ground ginger root (200 g) and 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Strictly 14 days, filter before use. The active ingredient of ginger flushes the male body with strength for a long time. It is only important to use this drug every day, not forgetting the contraindications for patients with heart and blood vessels.
Ginseng tincture fights erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the genitals and restoring the production of male hormones. Improving male sexual performance is due to the regular use of medicinal products. Increased erection and return of sexual desire are observed as a result of direct effects on the endocrine system.
This recipe is based on whole ginseng root or ground into powder. It should be filled with a glass of 70%alcohol. For about 9-10 days, the resulting composition is stored in a dark room in a glass container under a tight lid. Taking the drug is indicated no more than 15 drops a day. The course of therapy is about a month until the medication is over. Against the background of body strengthening in general, an increase in libido in men is observed.
The composition of 25 g of ginseng powder and 700 g of natural honey, injected for a week, will help restore activity to intimate life. Dosage - 1 tablespoon at bedtime. Quick -healing extract can be prepared from 1 liter of good vodka and 200 g of plant roots. The raw material is filled with vodka for only one day. You need to drink 50 ml a day, dividing the daily portion into 3 times. It is important to note that with an unbalanced soul, tingtur vodka can be an additional irritation.
Nettle seeds
It is also possible to restore male strength with the help of stinging nettle seeds in a short period of time. This plant is also used to treat potency and eliminate problems of the genitourinary system. Herbal ingredients improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. Healing properties based on the content of tannins, phytonutides, vitamins C and K, as well as organic acids in nettles.
For the use of plant seeds to quickly increase the potency at home, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of wine from them. For 300 ml of boiling water, you need 1 teaspoon of nettle seeds. The tool must be forced for 30 minutes, strain and drink in two doses. For 500 ml of wine, you need 20 g of dried nettle seeds. The product is ready 14 days after infusion in a glass container. It is best to take one tablespoon of medicine before each meal. The course of treatment until the end of the prepared tincture.
There is an opinion that it is possible to eliminate the problem with potency even by using fresh nettle leaves to make salads and green cabbage soup. The infusion of red wine, natural honey and nettle seeds, taken in equal amounts, has a unique effect on the male reproductive system. The recommended dose is one teaspoon before meals. Nettle broth from 2 tbsp. l. fresh crushed leaves and a glass of boiling water can be taken twice as a tea drink.

Parsley recipe
It is known that parsley is a natural aphrodisiac because of its unique component apigenin. Scientists have found that regular plant intake helps reduce female estrogen hormone levels and increase male testosterone production. There is an increase in the work of the pelvic organs, which contributes to the early treatment of impotence.
Alternative medicine uses the roots and branches of parsley. A fast -acting remedy is prepared from a mixture of parsley and coriander in equal amounts. Both dried and fresh crops are suitable for treatment. It is recommended to take 10 grams with each serving. You should consult a doctor before using parsley -based products with wine. The effects take it fast, but can manifest itself as a nervous excitement.
How to cook:
- The recipe consists of 60 g of parsley, 100 g of chopped rose hips, 250 g of nuts and 300 ml of natural honey and red wine.
- The thoroughly mixed components are put in a dark place for 12 days.
- The recommended intake is 3 times a day, 20 ml before meals.
This drug stimulates the production of male hormones and is approved for use as a prophylactic agent for prostate adenoma.
Additional therapeutic measures
Restoring sexual desire and stopping the development of impotence can only be done with an integrated treatment approach. It is necessary to change lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and unhealthy diet. Moderate physical activity, walking and swimming will allow men to always take care of their health. It is important for every adult male to include daily menu products that increase potency. The best of these are nuts, beef liver, seafood, fruits and herbs. To increase male libido, it is useful to consume fish oil, veal and chicken.
Experts recommend the following vitamins and minerals to increase sex drive:
- Zinc. Needed for active cell replenishment during metabolic processes. Its deficiency causes a decrease in sperm count and damages its quality. The best option for creating a balance of zinc in the body is the use of seafood, chicken yolks and wheat bran.
- Selenium. Participates directly in the synthesis of sex hormones and sperm. Decreased levels in the male body cause genital dysfunction. You need to include a diet of barley, lentils, nuts and seeds.
- Vitamin E. Designed to maintain proper male ejaculation levels. Its deficiency causes infertility. Contained in cabbage, sea buckthorn, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, sunflower oil and fish.
- Vitamin B relieves chronic fatigue and helps maintain energy and endurance, which are very important for maintaining potency in old age. You need to use sunflower oil, seafood, nuts.
It is much easier to prevent congestion in the small pelvis and improve erections than to treat impotence later on. The use of folk remedies for this purpose is much safer than therapy with synthetic drugs. However, the main condition of effective treatment with home methods is consultation with the attending physician.